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A million different changes are going on all around us, but we don’t pay much attention until it affects the way we work or live. A great example of this is a “Road Work Ahead” sign. We see so many of them, we don’t give them a second thought until we are stuck in a traffic jam. At that moment, this specific change is important to us.
Whether it is a new process, a new manager, or new software, having the right tools and knowledge in place will set you up for successful change management in the workplace.
First, change is emotional. People move their way through an emotional response to the change curve starting with shock and denial and hopefully through to enthusiasm and commitment. How quickly they work their way through this curve may be dependent on a few factors including:
If you are adapting to a change or launching a change, it is helpful to understand that there is more than one way to adapt to a change.
3 tips for adapting to change
Now let’s focus on the “people” side of change. There is a great change management model that managers can use called ADKAR which is an acronym for the five outcomes that people need to achieve for a change to be successful. So, let’s break it down.
When you are rolling out a change or receiving a change, following this process will ensure you are set up for success but it is linear, so you need to start with “awareness.”
As a manager or employee, it is important to understand that everyone works through the change curve differently. Some will grab awareness quickly and get stuck at desire. Some will get awareness and desire quickly but get stuck at Knowledge. We cannot expect each person on the team to respond the same way.