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Domenick Naccarato

Global Digital Director

Domenick Naccarato has been a contributing writer for the past 8 years sharing his insight into manufacturing industry best practices, conversations with customers, and information about ERP solutions.
Us states where manufacturers are missing out on solar energy

US Manufacturers Missing Out on Wind and Solar Energy

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Manufacturer employee facing jobs deficit in the united states

The manufacturing jobs deficit: Which states across the U.S. are struggling the most to fill vacant roles?

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Warehouse scanner running Deacom WMS system

Simplify Warehouse Processes with GS1-128 Barcodes

GS1-128 barcodes are a valuable tool for optimizing warehouse operations and streamlining inventory management. Developed by GS1 US, these barcodes serve as a global standard for data exchange among companies. They can contain essential information such as Serial Shipment Container Codes (SSCC) and item details like company code, item number, lot number, and quantity. Manufacturers who implement GS1-128 barcodes can gain several advantages, including swift identification of fast-selling and slow-selling items, effective monitoring of merchandising changes, accurate prediction of seasonal fluctuations, and flexible pricing options.

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Manage shelf life requirements with your inventory management system.

Why Shelf Life Rules Matter for Food Manufacturers

Every manufacturer has a responsibility to make their products as safe as possible for the end user. For those operating in the food and beverage sector, as well as reducing the risk of contamination and ensuring everything is prepared in a clean environment, clear adherence to - and labeling of - shelf life dates can make or break your professional reputation and put contracts at risk.

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Procurement professional using Deacom MRP software

5 Benefits of Material Requirements Planning (MRP) for the Supply Chain

Material requirements planning (MRP) is a digital inventory management system designed to improve inventory planning, scheduling, production, and management. It identifies what is needed, how much, and when. Using MRP software systems, manufacturers can schedule production requirements to meet demand, check inventory, allocate resources, identify bottlenecks, and find solutions.

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Canned goods produced by a private label food manufacturer

Market Demand is Supporting the Growth of Private Label Manufacturing

The private label manufacturing industry has been impacted by many challenges and opportunities in recent years. Among the challenges are increasing competition from branded manufacturers, the rise of ecommerce, and the need to differentiate products in a crowded marketplace. In response to these challenges, private label manufacturers have sought to differentiate their products through innovation, customer service, and value-added services. Many private label manufacturers have also embraced ecommerce and social media to reach new customers and build brand awareness.

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Bulk chemical inventory management

Maximizing Efficiencies in Chemical Manufacturing: An Overview of the Benefits of an ERP System

The chemical manufacturing industry is constantly evolving, and businesses need to stay ahead of the technology curve to remain competitive.Relying on manual processes hold you back, leading to inefficiencies and inconsistencies across your company, including financial reporting, warehouse management, quality control, and regulatory reporting. These issues hinder growth and put businesses at risk of non-compliance with regulatory standards. This is where an industry-specific ERP solution comes in to help streamline processes and improve your company’s overall efficiency.

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SDS and GHS labels on chemical drums

SDS and GHS Labeling with Deacom ERP

For manufacturers and distributors of hazardous materials, Deacom ERP software provides support for the creation and management of Globally Harmonized System (GHS) Labels and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs). Revised in 2012, the Federal regulations provided by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) include a set of guidelines for the communication of information on these hazards. In this blog post we’re going to provide a technical overview of how we help our customers manage this requirement in the software.

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Food manufacturing labor shortage

Combatting the Labor Shortage in the Food & Beverage Industry

The labor shortage in the food and beverage industry has been a growing issue for over a decade, and the events of the past few years have only intensified the problem. Many of you are struggling to attract and retain the workforce you need to meet market demand and although the unemployment rate has dropped since the height of the pandemic, manufacturers we spoke with at our user conference last month are still struggling to fulfill open jobs.

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Material and inventory management

Best Practices in Material and Inventory Management and the Manufacturing Impacts of an Integrated System

Raw materials and inventory management is one of the most vital areas of any process manufacturer yet often needs the greatest improvement. Poor inventory management methods and insufficient material management systems can lead to a variety of problems including poor customer experience, lack of visibility across departments, low turnover, out-of-control costs, decreased profitability, and ultimately, business failure.

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just in time inventory management

Pivoting from ‘Just-in-Time’ to ‘Just-in-Case’ Inventory Management

Recent Supply Chain Disruptions are Making the Case for This Shift in Inventory Management

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