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Ask Andy Richter, Vice President of Richter Total Office in Souderton, Pennsylvania, why he uses the Margin Accelerator program from ECI and the reason he offers is both simple and persuasive: “Business really isn’t very fun if you’re not making money,” he says with a big smile. The size of that smile becomes even more understandable when he also tells you that since adding the Margin Accelerator to his technology arsenal just eight months ago, overall gross margins on Richter’s core business products sales are already up by fully 1.5 percent! At a time when inflation has returned to the office products business with a vengeance, that’s an impressive achievement by any measure. But it becomes even more impressive when you consider the Richter team implemented the Margin Accelerator while undertaking a major rebrand of the dealership at the same time. How did they manage to do all that?