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We’ve been talking about the importance of sales processes for some time. It’s a great way as an OSC to keep themselves on track and ensure consistent follow-up on leads. With marketing automation functionality in Lasso, you can incorporate marketing emails into the mix and expand the ways you follow up with prospects.
However, it’s important to find the right cadence of follow-up. Sometimes simplifying the process can make it more effective. As a home builder, you need to be top of mind, but maybe not Wayfair or Pottery Barn top of mind…you probably don’t need to send out three emails a day.
Here are three ways to simplify the process and keep your focus on your prospects:
Yes, we like to take advantage of the generic auto responders. Still, it’s essential that you reach out with a personalized message after the initial one. The auto-responder lets the prospect know you have received their form submission and provides some additional general information about you. But you need to make sure you are answering the specific questions they have about your homes or community.
You want prospects to know what’s happening in your community, but there is no reason for mass emails to go out multiple times a day. Keep them up to date without inundating them. You don’t want them to tune out your messages.
Whether it’s the mix of automated marketing or personally reaching out, your fortune and future are in your follow-up. If you want to make money, it’s all in good follow-up.
You want to make sure that all of the great rapport you’ve developed with the homeowner is carried forward in the process. It’s important that the appointment hand-off is also done correctly because you want to continue to build the trust you’ve made with them.
An analogy can best describe the process. An Online Sales Consultant is the “fisher” of your organization. Your website is your bait. Your OSC casts the line, sets the hook (using phone calls, chat, text, or email to elicit a reply), and reels in the fish (the customer). They then pass the pole to the salesperson (by setting the appointment), who is hopefully waiting with a net (acceptance of the appointment)! If the salesperson isn’t ready to continue that trust the OSC has already established, the pole gets tossed back in the lake—fish and all. How possible do you think it will be to get that fish back?
Keeping your sales process simple can help you build trust with your clients and ensure they have an great buying experience.