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Busy Season Boom: Mastering Digital Advertising for Home Service Contractors

Digital Marketing for Home Services

The ultimate guide to using digital advertising for home service businesses.

Competition is intense during peak seasons, and digital advertising can keep your business at the top of potential customers minds when they are searching for services. Proactive advertising can provide your business with high visibility in web search results and targeted messaging for services you want to perform during peak seasons.

In this digital age, mastering digital marketing is important for any business trying to gain the attention of a local market. But let's face it, your expertise lies in your trade, not in marketing strategies. But understanding the ins and outs of digital advertising is something every business owner should prioritize, which is why we’ve created a guide to help home service businesses navigate Local Source Advertising (LSA) and Google Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads.

What's the difference between LSAs and Google PPC ads?

Using LSAs is like promoting your business at your local hangout spot, focusing on specific neighborhoods or towns. They help you connect with folks nearby who need your services, but LSA ad placement isn't reliant on your business having an arsenal of online reviews.

On the other hand, Google PPC ads are like flashy billboards on the internet. They zip around the web, giving your business more global exposure and letting you control where your ads go.

So how do you choose between LSAs and Google PPC ads? Understanding which ads to use can feel like wandering through a maze without a map. LSAs keep it local, while PPC ads throw you into a bustling marketplace. It's like deciding between cozying up in your neighborhood or taking on the big city.

So, which one should you choose?

It’s actually not one or the other. Think of it as a team effort. LSAs handle your home turf by targeting local customers, while PPC Ads can be used to take your business to new heights. But it's not just about reach; it's about when and how you use either type of ad.

Here's a quick breakdown:

Local Source Advertising (LSA) Pros:

  • Targeted reach: LSAs target specific geographic areas, allowing you to connect with local customers who need your services.
  • Pay per lead or PPL: With cost-effective pay-per-lead ads, you only pay when potential customers interact with your ad, making it a very budget-friendly option.
  • No reliance on reviews: Your company gains visibility without having to have many online reviews, making it a perfect option for newer businesses.


  • Narrow geographic reach: LSAs may not be as effective for businesses looking to expand beyond their local market.
  • Inconsistent lead quality: LSA effectiveness can vary based on ad content and your targeting strategy.

Google pay-per-click or PPC Ads Pros:

  • Global reach: PPC ads break through geographic barriers and give you a much broader, global reach.
  • Immediate visibility: PPC ads appear instantly on search engine result pages to help capture leads in real-time.
  • Granular control: Your control over campaigns is greater, allowing for more tailored ads and better, more efficient use of your budget.


  • Costs for clicks: Regardless of conversion, you have to pay for clicks, even if they don't lead to business. This has the potential to lead to high advertising costs.
  • Reliance on reviews: Your online reputation is what influences ad placement. This creates challenges for businesses with few reviews.

So, what's the best approach for a home service business? Typically, home service business owners will start with LSAs to help establish a strong local presence and build credibility. Then, over time, it becomes more valuable to integrate PPC ads, expanding their reach to a wider audience to complement organic business growth. By leveraging both strategies, you maximize your digital marketing budget and find greater success in a competitive market.

If digital marketing is something that you have been wanting to explore further, we have a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the world of digital ads. Download the guide and get on the path to becoming a successful home services marketer.

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