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No matter if you are a local, Fortune 500, or essential business, customer service quality can make or break your company. Customers have more choices than ever before and 76% of them say they would switch to a competitor due to multiple poor customer service experience.
Today kicks off Customer Service Week which makes it the perfect time to take a step back and evaluate your current customer service tactics. Ask yourself:
For small businesses, putting together a customer service team can seem costly and 40% of companies still view customer service as an expense rather than an investment. The investment in creating great customer experiences does not have to be so daunting or require more headcount, but it will pay off in the long run. Here are a few small strategies to consider that can make big impacts:
By streamlining business processes, centralizing data, and providing real-time insights, ERP can help SMBs deliver a more efficient and personalized customer experience. With the right business management solution, you uplevel your customer support with:
By improving order fulfillment, providing better customer support, and personalizing the customer experience, your ERP can help you build stronger relationships with customers and increase sales and repeat business.
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