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When I began designing enterprise resource planning (ERP) software for companies back in 1983, I could see the immediate benefits to productivity, flexibility, and cost containment every time I deployed it. Of course, those were the days of COBOL and early databases – when cloud computing was inconceivable. The first order of business was greater consistency, data management, and connectivity. Although it has been several decades since I’ve programmed software, I have never stopped designing, analysing, and promoting its adoption, especially amongst business leaders.
With the advent of cloud computing, everything is more sophisticated and integrated than when I got my start. Now, executives, project managers, and administrators can protect their time and keep on top of the things that matter to the business, while leaving the old IT problems (like application interoperability, performance, security, and disaster recovery) behind.
For entrepreneurs, like me, the most important thing is to have the tools we need to guarantee our customers the highest quality product or service while streamlining the costs associated with human and technological resources. The mere mention of “productivity” brings to mind the smooth execution of business processes, i.e., the activities that create value for our customers, help us to better manage suppliers, and protect human resources.
Although we have come a long way in 40 years, the dawn of the digital transformation and technological synergies promise to take us much further, and in the near future. To be clear, when I refer to the “post-digital era,” I envision what awaits us in the next 3-5 years.
As I see it, the pervasiveness of all-things-digital will spur global competition, and, by the same token, strain the operations of companies that do not embrace the principles of change. Simply put, in the post-digital era, people will no longer pay attention to digital because it will have become as common as running water and electricity. We will only notice its absence, not its presence.
Against this backdrop, customers will pay for an experience; employees will share their talents with businesses that embed automation into their tasks and support their professional development; and competition will only increase.
Now is the time to rethink our organisational models, so that we can improve productivity and increase flexibility. And the best course of action is to adopt a software platform that frees our minds from everyday technical problems and allows us to focus on strategic planning and execution.
What we need, then, is a platform that reflects our business model and sector-specific processes. By speaking the same language and reducing adoption times, we can take advantage of the experience gained by other companies that do the same job as us.
Vertical business management software – which is tailored to each business sector – is like a book that was written by many companies that have exploited the skills of a technological partner. The idea is that, when a new company adopts it, it immediately inherits all of the experience of its previous users.
Smart IT companies open a direct line of communication with their customers to collect their feedback. They do this by inserting their customers’ shared requests into the software and anticipating their needs based on a common user story. In this scenario, the collective allows the vertical business management software to become a treasure trove of knowledge and magnificent organisational machines.
By harnessing enabling technologies – like cloud computing – consistent app modernisation is possible thanks to research and development that matches customer needs with technological advancements. This innovation is then passed down to platform users, allowing them to manage their business with ease. Gone are the days where companies have to adapt their practices to suit horizontal software.
The increased capacity of data analysis; the ability to connect to a platform and work anywhere and at any time; the implicit IT security guaranteed by the resilient cloud infrastructure; and improved customer experience are just some of the advantages that come with adopting a cloud-based business management software.
This incredible synergy – of efficiency, productivity, flexibility, and cloud-based business management software applications – manifests itself in all its forms. Above all, this symbiosis allows users to conduct strategic business management with the continuous and ubiquitous support of a business management software, guaranteeing that they will keep up with the competition and control operating costs. Surely, that is something every entrepreneur can appreciate.
This article was part of our Winer 2022/2023 Empower Magazine which features industry thought leaders sharing advice and unique perspectives on how professionals can future-proof their businesses.