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Lauren Campion

Product Marketing Manager

Lauren Campion is an accomplished Product Marketing Manager with a strong passion for AI and its transformative role in content creation. With in-depth knowledge of ECI products, customers, markets, and competitors, she crafts compelling value propositions and positioning frameworks for effective market communication. Her overarching goal is to optimize product adoption and profitability for ERP SaaS Software solutions and cross/up-sell products, all while leveraging AI to enhance the content creation process. Lauren's dedication to customer-centric strategies ensures ECI's continued success in delivering exceptional solutions to clients worldwide.
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6 Uses for AI in B2B Ecommerce: Optimise Operations, Elevate Customer Service, and Increase Sales

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Streamline Your Business Supply Dealership With Horizon

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Clunky Workflow: Is Your Team Slowed Down by Labor-Intensive, Manual Processes?

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Must-Have Ecommerce Features For Business Supply Dealers

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Unleash The Power Of Integrated Accounting: Don't Let Third-Party Software Slow You Down

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5 Benefits of Moving Dealers To The Cloud

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Top 5 Reasons EvolutionX Is Top Rated Ecommerce Software

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Jump Track Top Rated Award 2024 Blog

5 Benefits That Won JumpTrack The Top Rated Software Award

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Strategies to Handle Supply Chain Issues

Strategies to Handle Supply Chain Issues

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B2B Ecommerce: How to Diversify Your Catalog, Grow Share of Wallet & Win Big

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Unlock Precision: The Power Of Delivery Windows In Elevating Customer Service

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Embracing Change: The Evolution Of Heatons Group

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Comfort Zones And Clicks: Overcoming 3 Key Hurdles To B2B Ecommerce Adoption

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10 Costly Mistakes to Avoid - Don't Implement the Wrong Software

Choosing an ERP system that does not align with your business needs can have significant financial implications. This blog highlights the risks and costs of choosing the wrong ERP software and offers guidance to help you make informed decisions to avoid these costs for your organization.

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Use ERP to Handle Rising Costs

Navigating Rising Costs: A Guide To Leverage Your ERP

In an ever-evolving business world, the challenge of managing costs remains constant. This is especially true in the B2B distribution industry, where dealers, resellers, and suppliers are pivotal in connecting manufacturers with their customers. However, in recent times, rising costs have threatened to disrupt the balance sheet, posing significant challenges to operations and profitability. To understand the impact of rising costs, let's dive into the different factors at play.

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4 Customer Expectations Reshaping B2B Distribution (and How to Exceed Them)

The business-to-business (B2B) space is undergoing a significant transformation driven by changing customer expectations.

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Personalisation: The Secret Weapon for B2B Ecommerce Success

Unlock Explosive Growth Through the Power of Ecommerce Personalisation

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Spot the Difference: B2B vs B2C Ecommerce

Today, we're unraveling a mystery: What's the real difference between B2B (Business-to-Business) and B2C (Business-to-Consumer) ecommerce?

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Data-Driven Sales: 5 Ways Sellers Can Use Ecommerce to Personalise Account Engagement

With the rapid growth of ecommerce, vast amounts of customer data are available at the fingertips of sales representatives.

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Demystifying B2B Ecommerce: Everything You Need to Know

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, B2B supply companies are facing increasing pressure to adapt and innovate to stay ahead of the competition. One of the most transformative trends in recent years has been the rise of B2B ecommerce. While some may view this shift with apprehension, embracing B2B ecommerce presents a wealth of opportunities to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive business growth.

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ECI Horizon ERP Software - Deliver outstanding customer experiences

Navigating the Diverse Workwear Industry: A Comprehensive Guide for Dealers

When we think of workwear, images of hard hats, high-visibility vests, or perhaps clinical white lab coats might spring to mind. However, the UK's workwear industry is an expansive and vibrant tapestry, weaving together threads from a myriad of sectors.

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Diversifying Beyond the Desk: The Case for New Market Exploration

Unleash Potential with Market Diversification

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Turning Interest into Leads: 5 Simple Ways Sales Reps Can Use Ecommerce for Lead Generation

Harness Ecommerce for Better Leads

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Characteristics of the 2024 B2B ecommerce Buyer

6 Characteristics of the 2024 B2B Buyer

Let's decode the 2024 B2B buyer!

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Business Supply Sales Rep Grow Sales with Ecommerce

10 Ways Sales Reps Can Leverage Ecommerce to Grow Sales

Amplify Field Sales with the Power of Ecommerce

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DIST Blog Fueling Future Resource Tile 2023

Navigating Last-Mile Delivery Amidst Fuel Price Volatility

Fuel prices seem to have taken on a life of their own, bouncing around with an energy that could give a caffeinated squirrel a run for its money. But this isn't just a minor problem; it's a big deal. These fluctuations aren't just minor annoyances but challenges that can reshape your delivery strategy. Let's break down the operational impacts and ways to combat these challenges.

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Rogue Spending: The Sneaky Nemesis Your Customers Hate

Have you ever noticed how, in big corporations, money sometimes seems to take on a life of its own? Do you glance over the books, and suddenly, there are expenses you never even knew about?

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Unpacking the Real Cost of Delivery Management: A Wake-Up Call for Distribution CEOs

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5 Ways Proof of Delivery Software Can Save You Time and Money

The Efficient Future: Proof of Delivery Software for the Modern Distribution CEO

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Generative AI: The Secret Weapon for Business Supply CEOs

Boosting efficiency and growth: Why CEOs should embrace ChatGPT

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