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Many businesses speak about the importance of customer service, but in practice, creating true loyalty often takes a back seat to gaining new customers. Customer loyalty should be prioritized over customer acquisition, however, as the facts overwhelmingly demonstrate.
It costs five times more to attract new customers than to keep existing ones satisfied. Furthermore, it is a staggering 16 times as costly to build a long-term business relationship with a new customer as it is to cultivate the loyalty of an existing customer.
Businesses with sustained customer loyalty have employees at all levels who understand that everyone is responsible for business development and customer retention, not just those with sales, manager, or customer service titles. Know that your best customer is someone else’s best prospect. You simply cannot take good customers for granted.
Here are a few ideas to develop stronger, sustained customer loyalty and generate referrals to your business:
Here’s how:
The correlation between industry leadership in nearly every vertical and customer service is strong. Advocate for the customer. Speak for the customer in the office, and build your business on doing right by the customer. Like most businesses that seriously commit to customer service, you will find a return on investment that speaks for itself.