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As the owner or chief executive of your small-to-midsize business, one of your greatest challenges is likely going to be delegation of responsibilities when your business is ready to grow. You have been handling many of the company’s most important functions for years, and your wizardry in these tasks and roles is a major reason for your business’ success.
Now that your company is in growth mode, you must turn your attention to team building. This means you won’t simply be training individuals or teams to take on your former functions; you’ll be building true scale with group knowledge and greater capabilities in your company. The personnel taking over your former tasks and roles will own and grow them. Ultimately, they won’t just be responsible for taking over tasks, but exceeding your expectations while creating new organizational capabilities and expectations.
Merely delegating tasks would mean the way you once did things now constrains the personnel succeeding you and wastes their knowledge and talents. That would be egocentric (yet it’s highly common), and it would create a capability bottleneck in your organization. Much more is possible; this is the growth mentality that leaders of SMBs on the verge of a breakout must foster, and it begins with effective delegation by tasks and roles that you currently assume.
Here’s how to get started:
By Task:
By Role:
As you go through these steps, remember that you hired your employees (either directly or through the leaders you also hired). They helped you to achieve the company’s current market position and much of their talents still remain untapped. Delegate with confidence and resist the temptation to micromanage once you do.
Instead, set expectations up front for their performance and mechanisms of accountability. Finally, inspire them! This is a milestone in the history of your company and it should be commemorated with a presentation about your vision and passion for growth, your convictions about your staff’s capabilities, and your excitement as you pass the torch and witness your workforce succeeding in greater challenges.