Work more efficiently to better serve customers

Shorten lead times and improve margins by integrating process management
Complex assemblies and complete machines. Prevent unnecessary costs and lost time.
For custom machine builders, the focus is often on innovation, research and development. For this reason, the engineering department is crucial.
Good planning between the engineering, procurement, assembly, and outsourcing departments is essential for meeting deadlines and achieving good project margins.
This is where ECI's ERP software makes the difference.
Collaboration within one system
With our ERP software for custom machine builders, you can easily and quickly collaborate with teams across the organisation.
Information about different projects is available within a single system, from engineering to procurement, or assembly to outsourcing.
ECI's ERP software forms the heart of your organisation, with a broad foundation and additional industry-specific modules available, we seamlessly tailor our ERP software to your daily practice. This way, you achieve maximum results.
For every type of custom machine builder
You can also easily integrate our ERP system with other software programs, such as CAD, CAM, PDM, PLM, and financial software. The advantage? Say goodbye to double data entry, work more efficiently, improve calculations and reduce the time spent on creating bills of materials.
This will shorten lead times and increase delivery reliability.
Simplify the production process
Simplify your entire production process with our ERP software. Communicate easily and quickly through smart modules, such as Shop Floor Control.
Shop Floor Control also removes paper-based processes, allowing employees to digitally record hours directly on an order.
The ECI Business Intelligence solution also produces quick analysis and reports, allowing you to adjust your production process based on the facts.
Need help deciding if an ERP is right for you?
If you want to talk to one of our experts to help with your ERP journey, contact us today and someone will reach out to set up a time to talk.