Improve business productivity, reduce costs, and maximise revenues.
More than 10,000 customers worldwide and over one million users, KnowledgeSync, a business activity monitoring solution, increases employee efficiency, boosts corporate profitability, and reduces organisational costs by ensuring that businesses no longer have to say “if only we had known!”
KnowledgeSync comes prepackaged with events, called EventPaks, for immediate use with many products such as the Microsoft Dynamics® products, Sage Software products, and more.
These EventPaks enable you to get up-and-running with KnowledgeSync in just a couple of hours.
Keeping your organization and your customers informed often requires more than just alerts. Business applications are critical to managing your data and to your organization’s success.
Those applications let your staff track what they have done, and what they need to do. KnowledgeSync combines alerts with workflow and updates your applications with the details of not only what has happened, but what has to happen to keep your organization running smoothly.
KnowledgeSync produces and delivers reliable analytical reports to your organization.
KnowledgeSync can automatically generate and deliver an unlimited number of Crystal Reports®, including such frequently-needed reports as Aged Receivables, Open Payables, Stock Status, and Check Reconciliation. Whether daily, weekly, monthly, or based on any other schedule, KnowledgeSync generates and delivers these reports in any format you require, including PDF, HTML, Microsoft Word, and Excel.
With KnowledgeSync, you no longer have to scan through voluminous reports looking for the occasional “hiccup” (or exception) in your daily activities. KnowledgeSync’s reports can be “exception-based,” so the reports that are generated and delivered to you show only the most critical information that requires your immediate attention.
What happens when salespeople track their information in one application, and financial people track their data in another? A salesperson may work for days to close a deal, only to find out that it’s been held up by someone in finance. Waste of time? You bet.
KnowledgeSync is the only application that performs cross-application analysis, alerts, and response. It doesn’t matter what the applications are, who they’re from, or what kind of databases they use. Cross-departmental and enterprise-wide business analysis, and the response is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity.
E-mail is universal, and in and among the raft of spam that every organization receives daily is valuable, time-sensitive information from customers, from prospects, and partners.
KnowledgeSync’s “Email Response System” ensures that this valuable data is identified, captured, and acted upon.
KnowledgeSync can monitor an unlimited number of email accounts for incoming messages. These messages are scanned to see who they’re from and if they’re important. Then, KnowledgeSync “matches” those messages with records in your database to determine who needs to do what in response to them.
Knowledgesync lets your organization better manage your email traffic and take better advantage of every customer interaction.
KnowledgeSync comes prepackaged with events, called EventPaks, for immediate use with many products such as the Microsoft Dynamics® products, Sage Software products, and more.
These EventPaks enable you to get up-and-running with KnowledgeSync in just a couple of hours.
Gain visibility
With real-time visibility into key activities, information, and milestones, KnowledgeSync is your dedicated business assistant who watches over the business and warns you when something needs your attention. KnowledgeSync benefits all parts of an organisation, from marketing to HR and everything in between, KnowledgeSync will provide the right information to the right people at the right time.
Increase productivity
KnowledgeSync saves time and money, removing the burden from office staff and completing tasks with greater accuracy, reliability, and consistency.
Businesses typically see a positive return on investment with KnowledgeSync in just a matter of weeks. For some companies, it can pay for itself by catching a single sales opportunity that otherwise may have slipped by.
Become more proactive
With alerts and custom reports that ensure the right people are doing the right things at the right time, KnowledgeSync dramatically expands the capacity of your existing workforce.
By acting as a personal assistant that watches over endless details, provides reports and updates as they are needed, and alerts you to critical business issues and opportunities, KnowledgeSync keeps you on top of your business, even when you are out of the office.
Connect your organisation
KnowledgeSync increases the effectiveness of employees by automating administrative tasks. It keeps employees connected with the critical information necessary to do their jobs. With KnowledgeSync, you will have the visibility to what’s getting done and what isn't across the entire organisation enabling you to increase productivity. It helps you capture all revenues and get paid on time.
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