Leah Fellows
Blue Gypsy Inc.
Leah Fellows, national online sales counselor trainer for the new home building industry, founded Blue Gypsy Inc. in 2010 to help home builders create award-winning OSC programs. She regularly writes for industry blogs, magazines, and websites, and presents at IBS, SEBC, industry webinars, and podcasts. With nearly 18 years in the industry, giving back is important. She is active with PWB and SMC locally and nationally. Locally she serves on the PWB Board and is past chair of the mentoring committee. Nationally she’s been co-chair of the Membership and Communications sub-committee and current chair of the Professional Development sub-committee. Prior to her work in the building industry, Leah backpacked the world for 13 years and was a bartender, sailboat captain, and dive instructor. These unique experiences help her create engaging colorful presentations.