Customer Success Story : Emerald Business Supply
How This Office Supply Company Saved 60 Hours a Week in Labor and Doubled Sales

Increase in annual sales
Hours per week savings in labor
Growth thanks to ecommerce sales
The challenge
Before Jaret Lyons, Vice President of Sales and Operations at Emerald Business Supply, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, joined the company, he visited the company’s website. He still took the job.
“I was a nationally ranked sales rep with a competitor for almost 15 years, and I learned a lot about how much marketing matters,” Jaret says. “Emerald was like a house with good bones and 30 years of success. But a lot of companies were not familiar with the name and what Emerald does. The website wasn’t helping.
Jaret knew that in today’s world, Emerald needed a better web presence, one the company could be proud to encourage clients to visit. But he needed help building it.
“When I started, the first thing I did was do a deep dive of the website,” he says. “I studied every word, and I checked every link. I knew there was much more functionality that was not being used. To me, Emerald was like a good book. Inside, it’s a good read, but it needed a good cover. We had a new logo; we had our trucks wrapped. But we needed a good storefront. You can’t get business if you don’t have a good website. If you are not a household name, the first thing people do is look at your website. Ours had a long way to go.”
“We’re able to grow and increase revenues without having to increase our staff needs as much. And it’s made us a lot more efficient and profitable because of that.”
The solution
That’s when Jaret got in touch with DeAnne Field, ECI’s digital services advisor.
Jaret was full of ideas on how to improve the website and raring to begin the project immediately. To his surprise—and later appreciation—DeAnne suggested he slow the process down a bit.
“I wanted to change it all right now, right away,” Jaret says. “DeAnne was amazing. I sent her an email full of what I thought I wanted, and she got right back to me. But she suggested I spend the weekend thinking about it, and we’d talk next week. She said we needed a foundation. We needed to consider what was possible and best. She was right.”
Following DeAnne’s advice, he did more research.
“I looked at so many sites through ISG ranging from ‘interesting’ to ‘what were they thinking?’” he says. “So many sites were trying to put everything right in front on the home page, like putting 50 pounds of information into a 5-pound bucket. I spent almost 15 years on the front lines as a salesperson, so I had a very good idea about what customers wanted and, as a result, what I wanted. I didn’t want a cookie-cutter site. I wanted something attractive and that with just a few clicks, you could get where you wanted.”
He also wanted a site that would help Emerald make money. “The more you keep customers on the site finding what they need, the better it is. If they can’t find what they are looking for easily, you lose some sales with every order. When people came to our old site, it was like looking for a needle in the haystack. We were losing sales.”
With DeAnne’s help, Jaret zeroed in on what he was looking for and working with ECIs digital services team, they got started.
“The first thing we did was to create five landing pages and a much more appealing home page,” he says. “I wanted something that when I brought customers to the site, it would not be painful for them to try to find what they wanted.”
“In such a competitive landscape, the right marketing is all about what you lead with. For us, it’s our website.”
While Emerald had used ECI’s DDMS software, the company upgraded to DDMSPLUS. “Our furniture director liked the enhanced capabilities of DDMS Plus,” Jaret says. “It gave us more graphical options than before, and now every part of the operation uses the DDMS Plus graphical interface.”
Jaret also likes ECI’s internal approach. “The digital services team directs the traffic to the other ECI areas, like ecommerce and other technical expertise areas,” he says. “Everyone works together, but we can deal with the front and still get the support behind it we need.”
Jaret admits that not everything about revamping the website was smooth sailing but is quick to confess that some of the bumps were of his own desire to continuously improve the site. “A lot of the hiccups we have run into have been my own doing,” he says with a laugh. “For instance, I recently submitted new fonts and images, and DeAnne did exactly as I asked. I realized the fonts were not consistent, and by the next day, DeAnne had some mockups, and we were workshopping what we might want. We’ve used other vendors, and they can take too long to get back to you. With DeAnne’s kind of responsiveness, everything else will work itself out. It’s a great partnership.”
The impact
Jaret estimates Emerald’s redesigned website created by ECI’s digital services team “has already saved the equivalent of one and a half employees—60 hours a week—in labor. We’ve always trained customers to go through us, some by email, some by phone,” he says. “Before, our team would forward orders to customer service. Now, all our sales reps can go online and place orders on the site, removing all the time it would take to transfer the orders to the CS department. We can also see what stock we have of each item and suggest substitutions if we are out of something without having to get back to them. It’s all on the screen. It saves all of us time. Customers can also order direct online. The phone is ringing less, but that’s a good thing. In today’s ecommerce world, when the phone rings, it usually means there is an issue. With the volume of business we are doing, when the phones aren’t ringing, it means they are going on the website and ordering because it is easier than calling and saying, ‘On page 17 are yellow folders.’ Now they can go on the site themselves and go to Favorites and find and purchase their yellow folders.”
The revamped website has also streamlined Emerald’s marketing strategy. “Our social media and email campaigns are all about driving customers to the website,” he says. “It’s more effective than using our in-house sales team, more seamless. In such a competitive landscape, the right marketing is all about what you lead with. For us, it’s our website.”
While saving time is saving money, the new ECI site has also boosted sales. “Last year, we doubled our sales,” Jaret says. “This year, it looks like we may double our sales again. I attribute a lot of that to the website.”
As a business, sales are also important to ECI. Yet Jaret believes customer satisfaction reigns supreme with the ECI design services team, even if it reduces profit margins in the short term. “We purchased five landing pages,” he says, providing an example. “Then we wanted to do office interiors way better. But rather than create a dedicated website, ECI helped us find a way we’ll be able to combine two of the web pages. So, we still only have to pay for five but can concentrate on our next big push—furniture. Our director of furniture sales can soon feel confident directing customers to our site.”
Jaret highly recommends ECI’s Digital Services
Jaret is not shy in recommending ECI, its digital services, and especially DeAnne Field. “I would absolutely recommend ECI— times five,” he says. “I was blown away by DeAnne’s efficiency. I email her at 4:30 a.m. or 5:30 a.m., and she answers. It is amazing to find someone who cares so much. She is an amazing asset to ECI. The digital and design services, the training—the whole experience. I’d recommend as much or as little of ECI’s design services as a company wants to use.”
To ensure he leaves no doubt about his full endorsement of ECI’s design services, Jaret shares the email he sent DeAnne only two months into the website redesign:
“Hi DeAnne, I am absolutely blown away by the efficiency and accuracy of these new landing pages and hyperlinks! I sent in the large file of hyperlinks yesterday, and in less than 24 hours, everything was completed and 100% accurate. WOW! You have been an amazing partner and advocate for Emerald Business Supply! Kudos to you and your offshore team. Tremendous work by ECI!”