Customer Success Story : Hein Electric Supply
How Hein's team uses EvolutionX to serve customers better and simplify the learning curve for new employees.

Site Traffic
Order Volume
Manual Order Entry
Prior to EvolutionX, Hein Electric Supply faced significant challenges with their outdated website, which lacked essential features like product search accuracy, customer account history, and streamlined order management. Since launching EvolutionX, Hein's employees use the platform as both a training tool and a resource to better assist customers, while the advanced search functionality and customizable product lists have dramatically improved the customer experience. With seamless ERP integration, EvolutionX has saved Hein's sales team countless hours on order entry, enabling them to focus on higher-value tasks. Every month since launch, Hein has broken ecommerce records, making EvolutionX a critical driver of their success.
"We've been on it for nine months now. Every month has broken our record on our ecommerce than the previous month."
Matthew Los, Controller, Hein Electric Supply
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