How can we make it easier for you to do business?
Dynamic Site Navigation for an Immersive Home Buying Experience
Insearch's interactive site maps are fully responsive and feature a customized legend. You can click on each status to see a live view. Once a lot has been selected, a customized lot card appears with all the vital information pertaining to said lot.

Elevate your property showcase with dynamic interactive site maps
Our interactive site map feature seamlessly integrates with your ERP system, such as MarkSystems, to pull all essential information directly onto the map. With customizable options, easily highlight lots and their statuses, synchronized with real-time data. Our live legend sidebar allows viewers to filter through different statuses and plans for a comprehensive view.

Up-to-date lot statuses and sales centers
Already have an existing colored map? No problem. Insearch can leverage your existing one or a new site map graphic will be created from your plot map.