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Scheduling Software for Job Shops
JobBOSS² enables job shops and make-to-order manufacturers to manage shop floor capacity and effectively schedule.

Scheduling Software for Job Shops
JobBOSS² is the only ERP with two ways to schedule. Take the crawl, walk, and run approach. The Planning Board has drag and drop functionality. The Whiteboard Scheduler lets you change customer due dates and job schedules on the fly.
"The scheduling is nice. As with most people in our industry, our job schedule changes with every phone call because everything's in a hurry, so efficiency in scheduling is important. This morning, I printed out the job schedule, and I know what I need to work on this week." - Dennis Pauly - Accurate Gear
Make your shop floor and scheduling process more efficient with JobBOSS2
Optimize production with increased shop floor knowledge
View real-time statuses of which machines are occupied, which machines are idle, and which machines will be needed to finish parts already in production. Avoid machine bottlenecks. View your shop by machine, employee, month, week, day, or hour.
See the impact of alternative schedules
Schedule by work center and assign jobs to employees. Choose from finite or infinite scheduling to manage capacity questions.
Manage capacity with confidence
Create what-if scenarios and automatically see lead times to schedule with confidence.
Improve on-time delivery performance
Use Scheduling Advisor to see which jobs are behind quickly, so you can prevent late deliveries. Flag high-priority ‘hot jobs’ with minimal disruption.
“When you're actually on the floor, you can't just go up to your plant manager and say how much are we done of this project in terms of percentage."
"He’ll know that the current step is done and roughly know where the next step is at, but he won’t know about the other steps that have been started. By using Planning Board I can know that we're 100% of these first three steps, 20% out of this step, and then the other four were not started. Therefore, we're about halfway done with the overall project. That’s why we're using Planning Board.”- David S. Guidolin, R. Guidolin Industries

See how DeKING Precision uses scheduling to deliver on-time and with confidence.